Your Celebration
Corporate FunctionWeddingBirthdayEngagementOther

Style(s) of Magic preferred
RovingTableFloor ShowWeddingOther

Contact Steve Silk is an award-winning magician who brings charm, fun and jaw-dropping magic to your celebration. Steve is a world-class magician for hire at parties, weddings and corporate events across Perth, Western Australia and beyond. If you’re hosting an important celebration and want your guests gasping, laughing and having fun, Contact Steve Silk turns a party into a magical celebration.
Contact Steve entertains small groups of your guests mingling in a party or cocktail setting (roving magic) or seated at tables. If you prefer your guests entertained as a group, Steve performs his astonishing comedy magic floorshow that will have your guests enthralled and laughing. Steve Silk is not only a magician for hire, he may be your most important guest.Steve Silk is an award-winning magician who brings charm, fun and jaw-dropping magic to your celebration. Steve is a world-class magician for hire at parties, weddings and corporate events across Perth, Western Australia and beyond. If you’re hosting an important celebration and want your guests gasping, laughing and having fun, Steve Silk turns a party into a magical celebration.
Steve entertains small groups of your guests mingling in a party or cocktail setting (roving magic) or seated at tables. If you prefer your guests entertained as a group, Steve performs his astonishing comedy magic floorshow that will have your guests Contact enthralled and laughing. Steve Silk is not only a magician for hire, he may be your most important guest. Steve Silk is an award-winning magician who brings charm, fun and jaw-dropping magic to your Contact celebration. Steve is a world-class magician for hire at parties, weddings and corporate events across Perth, Western Australia and beyond. If you’re hosting an important celebration and want your guests gasping, laughing and having fun, Steve Silk turns a party into a magical celebration.
Steve entertains small groups of your guests mingling in a party or cocktail setting (roving magic) or seated at tables. If you prefer your guests entertained as a group, Steve performs his astonishing comedy magic floorshow that will have your guests enthralled and laughing. Steve Silk is not only a magician for hire, he may be your most important guest.Steve Silk is an award-winning magician who brings charm, fun and jaw-dropping magic to your celebration. Steve is a world-class magician for hire at parties, weddings and corporate events across Perth, Western Australia and beyond. If you’re hosting an important celebration and want your guests gasping, laughing and having fun, Steve Silk turns a party into a magical celebration.
Steve entertains small groups of your guests mingling in a party or cocktail setting (roving magic) or seated at tables. If you prefer your guests entertained as a group, Steve performs his astonishing comedy magic floorshow that will have your guests enthralled and laughing. Steve Silk is not only a magician for hire, he may be your most important guest.Steve Silk turns a party into a magical celebration.
Steve entertains small groups of your guests mingling in a party or cocktail setting (roving magic) or seated at tables. If you prefer your guests entertained as a group, Steve performs his astonishing comedy magic floorshow that will have your guests enthralled and laughing. Steve Silk is not only a magician for hire, he may be your most important guest.